Thursday, May 17, 2018

Food and Non-Verbal Communication


Costa Rican Food

This is a topic that seems great right who does not like food. Well if your going to a whole new country that you have never been to before then one experiences new food. Particularly for me it is a struggle first I ask for something familiar nothing to strange before venturing out into the unknown. One such occasion I heard great things about this food called fried calamari. It was recommended to me while I was in Spain. The thing was that I did not known it was fried squid. So, I tried it did not like it at all but I did try it and that is the fun of trying new things you never know if you will like it until you try it. The thing was since I had braces on and it was to rubbery for me swore me off, of fried calamari for life. Maybe one day I will try it again till then no. Other foods when I hear that something is spicy I refuse to eat it because my mouth cannot handle the spice. Although there are some food that I can handle it all depends all in moderation right. As I have been reading about Costa Rican food there is a lot of rice and beans that pop up I mean I do not mind them but if I do not have to eat them I will not. Then since I am living with a host family the possibility of rice and beans popping up is very much true, so I have to on up to the fact and take it one day at a time. The reason being that every place has a unique way of making their own food, so it may be different then what I am used to. Maybe I’ll end up liking the food.  
The thing was it is hard to make food but I tried my best. I made Horchata which is also a Mexican drink.  I followed this  Horchata recipe just click on the link it will lead you there. There has been newspapers writing about Horchata naming it the drink for the hot summer to cool down. One such place is was in Valencia where the weather was scorching one day and the locals all recommended Horchata sure water to but Horchata also. The way I made it was similar to the Mexican version just without the peanuts so it kind of had a different flavor that I am not use to not bad but still odd.  

The History of Horchata 
Horchata originated in the Yucatán with origins in Guatemala in the Mayan times . The most known Horchata is the sweet drink mostly from Valencia the most common known to the United States is the Mexican version. While the Central American version has other ingredients added to make it. For the most part the common ingredients are rice, cinnamon, sugar, and water. The other ingredients add a more distinct flavor to the drink. 

Sources and Links 

Non-Verbal Communication 

Ten -Question Quiz

There are many things to note about a culture and people one thing that most people do not realize is that there is non-verbal cues that people give. While one may say that non-verbal 'what does that mean?'. It means that does little things that you might think are not obvious to you but to others they are obvious. While you may think that nodding your head side to side means no everywhere that generally is not the case because each country has there own unique way of saying things. 

There were some questions in Chapter 6 that stood out and made it seem to be the answer to how to figure out what someone means. 

Reflections Questions: 

1. How Universal do you feel emotions are?
 motions in general everyone feels them though one may not necessarily express the emotions the same way as others. In not expressing emotions the same cross-culturally is something that people should get to know because that leads to the response one may want. 

2.  How much space do you need as you interact with others? What types of situational factors make a difference in this answer? How do you defend your "own personal space" when it is threatened? 
I feel that one should be able to be at an arm's distance maybe a little closer but not that close then it is intruding on to others space. The fact is that one has to be able to read a person's cues if they are moving further away from you or getting closer in order to hear you or even if you are invading their space. For me taking a step back is seen as your a little to close. If that does not do it I outright say can you move a little your a little close for comfort. Also it depends on the situation if one is in a club and its a crowd you really do not get that much personal space. 

3. What are important times in your community? 
I really can say in America the holidays are what is important like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter. That seems to be the trend were they are the most known also New Years though New Years is  also more global not just an important time in America. Also going somewhere to a meeting it is seen as rude to arrive late one should arrive early. Then there is the type that at parties when I was growing up going late was seen as acceptable but for my mom it was we had to arrive early if not it is rude. That when one arrives early to a party it is up to you to help in whatever needs doing never go late. 
Answer Key: 
As you can see I still have a lot to learn about other cultures not all are the same. I have to make sure that every place that I visit I at least known the general basics to not offend someone by accident.  Every little move that one makes has its own meaning while it may mean nothing to you in another culture it could mean something wildly different.

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