Thursday, May 24, 2018

Adjustment Journal

There are at least four periods of adjustment while studying abroad.
There is:
Stage 1: Cultural Euphoria
Stage 2: Cultural Confrontation
Stage 3: Cultural Adjustment
Stage 4: Cultural Adaptation

There are some reflection questions from the readings that I am going to answer. As to understand there are examples of each stage of cultural adaptation. There is a U-chart of how long adjustment may take. In the picture above is a degree of adjustment period.

Eight people commented on their time studying abroad some one month to seven months.

Kristen: The people here are so wonderful. I'm having a great time!
José: They always take so long to complete something that could be accomplished much quicker. It's not very efficient.
Steven: Some days I'm frustrated with my language skills, but then I'll have a conversation where I understand everything and I can see how far I've come.
Kurt: I love it here. I can't imagine being anywhere else!
Amira: It doesn't bother me anymore when people stare at me. I would be curious about the strange-looking foreigner, too, if I were them.
Maggie: I can't believe I'm eating raw fish. I couldn't stomach it when I first arrived.
Gretchen: I can barely stand the smell of the cafeteria. Give me McDonald's any day.
Martin: I feel like when I return to the U.S., a part of me will remain here in this country.

The people seem to be in varying degrees of adjustment.
Kurt could be in stage 1 or stage 4 because each part can be the same reaction to studying abroad. While Steven and Gretchen seem to being going through culture shock. Then there is José is going through homesickness.

It also seems to be that each person has gone through previous adjustments and or are barely getting through with there time. I would say that each person to take it one day at a time there will be days you struggle with everything others that it is the best and having adjusted to the people and culture there.
If one were to study abroad for two months it seems that either they will only get so far into the first stage and slowly getting towards the culture shock. After studying abroad for two months there is not much culture shock just excitement over new experiences. Then there is if one studies abroad for a year going through all four stages until finally adjusting to life there.

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