Thursday, April 19, 2018


Music in Costa Rica

Music is a huge part of any culture that one knows of. It stimulates the auditory senses. I read an article that talks about the influence music has on the country. The article mostly dealt with composer the symphony no modern-day music artists. It was an interesting read for the sole reason that I do not really like classical music unless it is fast paced almost all throughout.
In doing some background knowledge I found out that if one wants to hear classical music head to San Jose the Capital. 

 Sources and Links:


An activity in the book we are using for class is deciding whether something is cultural, personal, or universal beliefs/values.




1.___Eating with chopsticks

2.___Women walking five steps behind men

3.___Walking rather than taking the bus

4.___Feeling sorry after accidentally stepping on someone’s foot

5.___Respecting your Elders

6.__Making a slurping sound when eating soup or noodles

7.__wearing warmer clothes when its cold outside

8.__Being depressed after the death of a loved one

9.__Sleeping with the light on

10.__Shaking hands with someone you first met


Numbers: 1,2,5,6,10

Mostly because those seem to be ones that people grow up and learn to do.


Numbers: 2,3,4,5,7,8,9, 10

All of these seem to be personal for the sole reason that people could chose not to follow these. It is there choice to follow through on each of these.


Numbers: 7

The others seem to be that it is more choice and how one is raised this one seems to be more that once it gets cold outside one wears warmer clothes.

Another activity was changing stereotypes into generalizations/ hypotheses

1.      Americans are superficial

a.      Generalization: It may seem to others that some Americans are superficial that is not the case for all.

b.      Hypotheses: Is it because who Americans are portrayed that makes Americans seem to be superficial?

2.      The French are rude

a.      Generalization: It seems that the tone carried out by the French sounds rude.

b.      Hypotheses: When speaking to the French is the tone of voice and who they are talking to make it seem to be that they are rude.

3.      Spaniards are laid back

a.      Generalization: In comparison to other countries Spaniards seem to live a more laid-back lifestyle.

b.      Hypotheses: Is the culture and values that the Spaniards hold make it seem that they are more laid-back?

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