Thursday, April 5, 2018

Costa Rica and Journal

Okay then I guess I should tell you which country I am going to be traveling to. It's COSTA RICA can't you just tell I'm excited 😁.
A little bit of Costa Rica is that it is located in Central America nestled in between Nicaragua and Panama and the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean.
Doesn't it look amazing. 
Well you can't tell can you all one sees is just like any map all I know is that there is a lot beaches. 
A little bit of Costa Rican history in order to actually know about Costa Rica is important right? right. 

Quick Facts

  • 1502 Columbus found Costa Rica after needing repairs for his ship
  • Costa Rica gained its independence 15 of September 1821
  • Juan Mora Fernández in 1824 was one of the first heads of state for Costa Rica. 


Costa Rica has a rich history before even Columbus arrived into the Americas. There were many indigenous communities in Costa Rica though small communities compared to the counter parts like the Aztecs and Mayans. One of the main things that was left behind from the inhabitants of Costa Rica from the past spherical stones called bolas that are still a mystery in an of itself. Then in 1502 when Columbus set foot in Costa Rica was when his ship was damaged and needed repairs after a hurricane. Though it wasn't until the 1560s that Spanish established control over the region. Later eventually from poor decisions of neglect from Spain a war broke out finally leading to independence from Spain in 1821. Though not before Spain left a lasting mark on Costa Rica. In 1779 coffee was introduced to Costa Rica. In so, bringing the coffee trade to Costa Rica and influencing the style in which the building were built.

Sources and Links:

Lonely Planet Costa Rica 2016
The Rough Guide to Costa Rica 2017

Journal Part 

Learning Style Survey: Assessing Your Own Learning Style

Part 1: How I use my physical senses

 I am more of a visual learner. Though I am also partial to the other two senses of auditory and tactile/kinesthetic.

Part 2: How I expose myself to learning situations

I am introverted spending more time learning by myself with only close friends.

Part 3: How I handle Possibilities

I am more random intuitive I can be more future oriented on what can be.

Part 4: How I Deal with Ambiguity and with Deadlines

I am more open on my perspective toward deadlines preferring to enjoy learning not bothering with the deadline.

Part 5: How I receive Information

I tied for having a global and particular perspective meaning I can get the main idea though at times focus on the details more.

Part 6: How I further process information

I am a person that can synthesize material and able to summarize what I have just learned.

Part 7: How I commit material to memory

I am more of a leveler clumping material that I have learned together rather than separating them though at times I am a sharpener able to separate material on occasion more effectively than other times.

Part 8: How I deal with language rules

I am more of an inductive learner learning from example and later learning the rules.

Part 9: How I deal with multiple inputs

I am more field-dependent meaning I get information more holistically.

Part 10: how I deal with response time

I am slightly more of a reflective learner with some impulse control issues.

Part 11: how I literally take reality
I am more of a metaphoric learner

Stress Factors

There may seem to be many stress factors to that could cause a person to be stressed. In order for me to feel less stress I try to think of it as a classroom setting

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