Thursday, April 12, 2018

Economy of Costa Rica and Journal

The Economy of Costa Rica

It is a stable country that relies heavily on tourism. Though it has been steadily growing over the past years. When Costa Rica first started growing its economy it was well known for exporting Bananas and it still is. A credit towards Costa Rica's success is since it abolished the military it has been able to invest more on the citizens that live there.

Quick Facts: 

  • 9% unemployment rate
  • Annual growth is around 3.7% 
  • Labor force: 2.268 million.
  • Export commodities: Bananas, pineapples, coffee, melons, ornamental plants, sugar; beef; seafood; electronic components, and medical equipment.
  • Import commodities: Raw materials, consumer goods, capital equipment, petroleum, and construction materials.

At the rate that the Costa Rican economy continues to grow it will continue to advance and become a very prosperous country in continuing what it is doing.

Links and Sources:

Lonely Planet Travel Guide

Journal Entry

Cultural-Learning Strategies 

A letter about the communication between a student's host mom and the student.
Joshua's host mom wrote him a note about buying some super glue to fix the iron that he broke by accident. I feel that Joshua's host mom wrote him a note in order for him to be more independent. It seemed like he was struggling to communicate and she saw that to. It seemed to be a way for him to be okay with the situation without further embarrassment.

What's Up With Culture? Exercises

5 things looking forward to about studying abroad
  1. the weather
  2. the school
  3. the Pacific Ocean 
  4. the food*
  5. the culture
5 things worried most about studying abroad
  1. Getting along
  2. figuring out where to go
  3. budgeting
  4. the animals 
  5. communicating
5 things miss most about home when studying abroad
  1. My Family
  2. My friends
  3. the food*
  4. my bed
  5. my family (twice I know but I am going to miss them)
5 things will miss least about home when studying abroad
  1. The snow
  2. daily stress
  3. working
  4. the food*
  5. N/A
My greatest challenge overseas will be: Overcoming being Homesick

* The food because I am looking forward to it but I will miss my mom's home cooking. Though there is some food here that I won't mind leaving behind.


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