Thursday, April 26, 2018



This week culture is something that my class is looking into. In the classes that I have taken here in College culture is something that I keep going back to. I have looked at culture through the Spanish and Anthropological lenses while at the same time looked at culture in ways that I think about before. I took a religions course and during class we talked about the culture of the religions we were studying. Culture is something that is defined differently in each field of study. Generally speaking culture is something that one grows up in but most times do not know what there culture actually is. Someone can say that they know what culture is but do not necessarily know how to explain it. 

How I define culture is a mixture of what I have come to learn. 

Culture: The ideals of human behavior what a person comes to know, it is how one was raised the values and beliefs that a person has. 

How Anthropology defines is:

Culture: The system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning (p7).University of Manitoba definition of culture

culture is the full range of learned human behavior patterns Palomer College

The ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society. Oxford Living Dictionary

Famous Person

Laura Chinchilla Miranda

First Female President of Costa Rica 2010-2014

Political Affiliation: National Liberation Party 

Universidad de Costa Rica: Political Scientist 
Georgetown University: Master in Public Policy

Laura Chinchilla Miranda started her career in politics as the first female Minister of Public Security between 1996-1998. Miranda was elected after Óscar Arias Sánchez an promised to continue what Arias had started. Promising to continue with free-market policies, pledged to tackle the rise of violent crime and drug trafficking. Miranda was the Vice President of Arias when he was in his presidency from 2006-2008. Best known for resolving the dispute between Nicaragua and Costa Rica border. Dredging the San Juan River Nicaragua Costa Rica claim a violation. Nicaragua responded by mobilizing there military while Costa Rica mobilized their police force in response. All that occurring in between October 2010 and 2011. In 2011 since Chinchilla filed a report in the International Court of Justice which order both countries to remove the troops. Though praised for the handling of the event she was later runoff over domestic affairs. The inability to institute tax reform and allegations over corruption in her administration was something that marred her presidency. She was a social conservative that opposed the thought of separation of church and state. At the same time stopping exploration of oil, highlighting emphasis on ecotourism.
Another thing that Chinchilla was known for was the fight against crime and drugs. She was quick to show commitment to the Central American Integration System called SICA by others. The things she was combating the way Costa Rica is used as a midway point between the drug cartels of Mexico and Colombia.

Sources and Links:
Encyclopedia Britannica
Georgetown University
Lonely Planet Costa Rica
The Rough Guide to Costa Rica
Disclaimer: Everything written is from sources read with my own input. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Music in Costa Rica

Music is a huge part of any culture that one knows of. It stimulates the auditory senses. I read an article that talks about the influence music has on the country. The article mostly dealt with composer the symphony no modern-day music artists. It was an interesting read for the sole reason that I do not really like classical music unless it is fast paced almost all throughout.
In doing some background knowledge I found out that if one wants to hear classical music head to San Jose the Capital. 

 Sources and Links:


An activity in the book we are using for class is deciding whether something is cultural, personal, or universal beliefs/values.




1.___Eating with chopsticks

2.___Women walking five steps behind men

3.___Walking rather than taking the bus

4.___Feeling sorry after accidentally stepping on someone’s foot

5.___Respecting your Elders

6.__Making a slurping sound when eating soup or noodles

7.__wearing warmer clothes when its cold outside

8.__Being depressed after the death of a loved one

9.__Sleeping with the light on

10.__Shaking hands with someone you first met


Numbers: 1,2,5,6,10

Mostly because those seem to be ones that people grow up and learn to do.


Numbers: 2,3,4,5,7,8,9, 10

All of these seem to be personal for the sole reason that people could chose not to follow these. It is there choice to follow through on each of these.


Numbers: 7

The others seem to be that it is more choice and how one is raised this one seems to be more that once it gets cold outside one wears warmer clothes.

Another activity was changing stereotypes into generalizations/ hypotheses

1.      Americans are superficial

a.      Generalization: It may seem to others that some Americans are superficial that is not the case for all.

b.      Hypotheses: Is it because who Americans are portrayed that makes Americans seem to be superficial?

2.      The French are rude

a.      Generalization: It seems that the tone carried out by the French sounds rude.

b.      Hypotheses: When speaking to the French is the tone of voice and who they are talking to make it seem to be that they are rude.

3.      Spaniards are laid back

a.      Generalization: In comparison to other countries Spaniards seem to live a more laid-back lifestyle.

b.      Hypotheses: Is the culture and values that the Spaniards hold make it seem that they are more laid-back?

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Economy of Costa Rica and Journal

The Economy of Costa Rica

It is a stable country that relies heavily on tourism. Though it has been steadily growing over the past years. When Costa Rica first started growing its economy it was well known for exporting Bananas and it still is. A credit towards Costa Rica's success is since it abolished the military it has been able to invest more on the citizens that live there.

Quick Facts: 

  • 9% unemployment rate
  • Annual growth is around 3.7% 
  • Labor force: 2.268 million.
  • Export commodities: Bananas, pineapples, coffee, melons, ornamental plants, sugar; beef; seafood; electronic components, and medical equipment.
  • Import commodities: Raw materials, consumer goods, capital equipment, petroleum, and construction materials.

At the rate that the Costa Rican economy continues to grow it will continue to advance and become a very prosperous country in continuing what it is doing.

Links and Sources:

Lonely Planet Travel Guide

Journal Entry

Cultural-Learning Strategies 

A letter about the communication between a student's host mom and the student.
Joshua's host mom wrote him a note about buying some super glue to fix the iron that he broke by accident. I feel that Joshua's host mom wrote him a note in order for him to be more independent. It seemed like he was struggling to communicate and she saw that to. It seemed to be a way for him to be okay with the situation without further embarrassment.

What's Up With Culture? Exercises

5 things looking forward to about studying abroad
  1. the weather
  2. the school
  3. the Pacific Ocean 
  4. the food*
  5. the culture
5 things worried most about studying abroad
  1. Getting along
  2. figuring out where to go
  3. budgeting
  4. the animals 
  5. communicating
5 things miss most about home when studying abroad
  1. My Family
  2. My friends
  3. the food*
  4. my bed
  5. my family (twice I know but I am going to miss them)
5 things will miss least about home when studying abroad
  1. The snow
  2. daily stress
  3. working
  4. the food*
  5. N/A
My greatest challenge overseas will be: Overcoming being Homesick

* The food because I am looking forward to it but I will miss my mom's home cooking. Though there is some food here that I won't mind leaving behind.


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Costa Rica and Journal

Okay then I guess I should tell you which country I am going to be traveling to. It's COSTA RICA can't you just tell I'm excited 😁.
A little bit of Costa Rica is that it is located in Central America nestled in between Nicaragua and Panama and the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean.
Doesn't it look amazing. 
Well you can't tell can you all one sees is just like any map all I know is that there is a lot beaches. 
A little bit of Costa Rican history in order to actually know about Costa Rica is important right? right. 

Quick Facts

  • 1502 Columbus found Costa Rica after needing repairs for his ship
  • Costa Rica gained its independence 15 of September 1821
  • Juan Mora Fernández in 1824 was one of the first heads of state for Costa Rica. 


Costa Rica has a rich history before even Columbus arrived into the Americas. There were many indigenous communities in Costa Rica though small communities compared to the counter parts like the Aztecs and Mayans. One of the main things that was left behind from the inhabitants of Costa Rica from the past spherical stones called bolas that are still a mystery in an of itself. Then in 1502 when Columbus set foot in Costa Rica was when his ship was damaged and needed repairs after a hurricane. Though it wasn't until the 1560s that Spanish established control over the region. Later eventually from poor decisions of neglect from Spain a war broke out finally leading to independence from Spain in 1821. Though not before Spain left a lasting mark on Costa Rica. In 1779 coffee was introduced to Costa Rica. In so, bringing the coffee trade to Costa Rica and influencing the style in which the building were built.

Sources and Links:

Lonely Planet Costa Rica 2016
The Rough Guide to Costa Rica 2017

Journal Part 

Learning Style Survey: Assessing Your Own Learning Style

Part 1: How I use my physical senses

 I am more of a visual learner. Though I am also partial to the other two senses of auditory and tactile/kinesthetic.

Part 2: How I expose myself to learning situations

I am introverted spending more time learning by myself with only close friends.

Part 3: How I handle Possibilities

I am more random intuitive I can be more future oriented on what can be.

Part 4: How I Deal with Ambiguity and with Deadlines

I am more open on my perspective toward deadlines preferring to enjoy learning not bothering with the deadline.

Part 5: How I receive Information

I tied for having a global and particular perspective meaning I can get the main idea though at times focus on the details more.

Part 6: How I further process information

I am a person that can synthesize material and able to summarize what I have just learned.

Part 7: How I commit material to memory

I am more of a leveler clumping material that I have learned together rather than separating them though at times I am a sharpener able to separate material on occasion more effectively than other times.

Part 8: How I deal with language rules

I am more of an inductive learner learning from example and later learning the rules.

Part 9: How I deal with multiple inputs

I am more field-dependent meaning I get information more holistically.

Part 10: how I deal with response time

I am slightly more of a reflective learner with some impulse control issues.

Part 11: how I literally take reality
I am more of a metaphoric learner

Stress Factors

There may seem to be many stress factors to that could cause a person to be stressed. In order for me to feel less stress I try to think of it as a classroom setting

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


My name is Betsi I'm creating a Travel Journal in order to keep a running account of my travels. I started this because I am soon going to be studying abroad and want to keep track of everything. Plus I have to do a blog for a class I am taking. There is going to be posts of journal entries and stuff about the place I am visiting. So there is a little bit about me. 😊